Make it happen

From a simple idea to an app that reaches every screen. We use our starter-kit to create a production-ready MVP for Android, iOS and Web in days.

starting from 4.950€ 6.000€

Idea to MVP

in days not months

  • Free consultation

    Day 1
  • NDA signing

    Day 2
  • Requirements definition

    Day 3
  • Milestone definition

    Day 4
  • Initial prototype

    Day 5 to 10
  • Weekly syncs

  • Final delivery

    Day 10 to 30
  • Post-launch support

Validate your startup idea fast. We build MVPs in days, not months, so you can test without burning cash.

How does it work?

After the initial meeting we will create your MVP with our starter-kit. This will bootstrap the project by weeks. We will do the initial setup, build the basic features and delivery it to you. Afterwards the code is all yours, but we would be happy to continue supporting you with our services.

  • Responsive Apps

    We deliver a responsive and mobile-friendly app for Android, iOS and Web using our Flutter starter-kit.

  • AI Powered Apps

    Get a powered AI app with a Gemini and OpenAI module and jump into the AI train.

  • Organic reach

    We can build a landing page to promote your business with SEO best practices that will boost your visibility.


Generate, Setup, Build Ship in days not months

We use our builder to generate your project in mintues, we set it up in hours and we build the rest in days, so you can ship fast.

Afterwards, the project is all yours and ready to iterate with our production-ready code.


Responsive by design Launch on Android, iOS and Web!

Our projects are designed to be responsive, multiplatform and production-ready. We use Firebase and Flutter to make your app secure, fast and scalable.

Don't spend time with custom setups and reinventing the wheel. You can do that once your app succeeds or you get funding.


Customizable Pay only for what you need

Onboarding, Authentication, Ads, Database, AI modules or even an SEO optimized landing page!

We offer a variety of modules to fit your needs. Pay only for what you need.


We don't stop here

Continue with our services, with weekly consultations and custom tasks.


per task

for sporadic requests

  • App Size optimization

  • Performance Analysis

  • Pair programming

  • Expert consultation

  • And many more...

monthly 375€ 590€


for recurrent requests

  • Priority support

  • Weekly consultations

  • Discount on tasks

  • Discount on starter-kit

  • Cancel any time


Contact Us

Let's talk. We can help you get started, unblock your teams and projects.