Tasks and Scopes
We offer a set of predefined tasks and scope with fixed prices as well as custom request tasks.
Engineering Reports
Get a full report on your app. From optimization to GreenIT reports, what are you looking for?
App Size Optimization
for Android
Full report on app size (case study)
Size optimization recommendations
Cheat-sheet on app size
Screen performance analysis
for Android and iOS
Performance review on specific screens
Performance Report with optimizations
Post-review meeting
Acquisition Assessment
for Android apps
App size, performance and code quality review
Full report & assements
Risks & Mitigations
1:1 consultation
App/Feature Feasibilty report
for Android, iOS or Flutter
Make sure it's possible before losing time
Idea or feature initial consultation
Feasibility report
Risks & Mitigations
Android App Widgets
with Jetpack Glance
Initial assessment of project
Widget implementation proposal (case study)
Help from one of the author of Glance (blog)
1:1 code review
Bug fixing
GreenIT Analysis
for Android and iOS
Evaluate your climate footprint
Full report from expert
Reduce the ecological footprint
Tool or library evaluation
for Android, iOS and Flutter
Evaluation of tool or library
Full report from expert with recommendation
1:1 consultation and review
Accessibility audit
for Android and iOS
Initial consulation with A11Y expert
Full report from expert
1:1 post-meeting review
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Consultation request
We provide consultation for many different topics. From optimization to accesssibilty. Just ask us!
Technical Consulatation
for Android, iOS and Flutter
1:1 virutal meeting with expert
Post-meeting follow ups
Accessibility technical advice
for Android and iOS
Initial meeting with A11Y expert
Code review
Solution proposal
Code Review session
for Android, iOS and Flutter
Code review for PR or Features
Follow ups on code review
1:1 reviews with expert
Technical Interview
for Android, iOS and Flutter
Save engineer resources
Candidate profile review
45 min interview process
Candidate post-assessment
Mentoring session
for indiviudals or teams
Learn about a new techonlogy (e.g Compose)
Get advice on carrer path or skills development
Ask any burning question
Get future setps recommendation
Design and Product Requests
Our Design and Product experts can bring your brand and product to the next level.
Integration CRM
for projects
Initial meeting with CRM expert
Expert recommendations and evaluation
CRM Integration proposal
UI/UX Review
for mobile and web
UX/UI report
Tips & optimizations
30 min meeting with UX expert