Tech stack

  • Twitter API
  • Firebase
    • Firestore
    • Functions
    • App Check
    • Monitoring (Analytics, Crashlytics, Performance)
  • OpenAI, Gemini and Groq functions with python
  • Selenium

Whatโ€™s the project about?

Joglar stories was an experimental project to evaluate the potential of using artificial intelligence to generate AI stories. We used OpenAI, Gemini and Groq with python to generate stories every day using Google Cloud Functions. These stories were posted in Twitter under (@joglar_stories) with the Twitter API.

The fun part, was that the stories were generated based on the user comments and votes.

How does it work?

  1. A Cloud function is scheduled every day to create a story
  2. We used OpenAI and Dalle to create a story and a cover image.
  3. The story would be broken down into small tweets and with a poll
  4. After a few hours a cloud function scrapsh the poll results and ask the AI to continue the story
  5. The flow is repeated till the AI decided that the story had to end.