The Challenge

A leading German medical device manufacturer needed an Android companion app to extract clinical data from their devices via Bluetooth. The key challenge was to rapidly develop a reliable solution that could accurately communicate with their medical devices following their proprietary Bluetooth protocol.

Our Solution

Following our MVP development approach, we transformed their Bluetooth protocol documentation into a working Android application:

  • Implemented precise Bluetooth communication following their protocol specifications
  • Developed a clean Android UI for medical data visualization
  • Built robust error handling for reliable medical device communication
  • Implemented data extraction and export functionality
  • Created comprehensive testing suite for protocol compliance


The app was delivered in less than a month, moving from PDF specifications to a fully functional Android application. This rapid development enabled the client to quickly validate their Bluetooth protocol implementation and begin field testing with their medical devices.

Note: Due to confidentiality agreements, specific details about the medical devices and data protocols have been omitted.